Quick Guide to Software Testing
There are a lot of great theories, academic studies, books, exams, blogs and websites on the subject of software testing. There are several different “schools” of software testing covering traditional approaches, exploratory, context based, agile, etc. etc. etc. all of which offer great insight, processes and approaches. If you are asked to explain the subject […]

Is What more important than Why, When, How, Where and Who in Software Testing?
In Software Testing is what we do more important than why we do it, when we do it, how we do it, where it is done and who it is done by? “I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who.” Rudyard Kipling WHAT Test planning and test preparation defines what testing needs to be carried out. Whether conducted as: a formal test analysis […]

4 core questions to focus your software testing plan
A quick guide to software testing Software testing is our favourite subject and there are several different “schools” of software testing covering traditional approaches, exploratory, context based, agile, etc. etc. etc. all of which offer great insight, processes and approaches. BUT if you are a developing a new app, software or an update to a… Read More »

If every test tool is a hammer every test problem becomes a nail
I once saw a really graphic demonstration of how if the only tool you have in your tool box is a hammer, every problem becomes a nail. A colleague had produced a “demo” rig in his garage consisting of a foot long (30 cm if you must) piece of 2 by 1 (2 inch by… Read More »

123 Testing: The Sound Engineer and the Tester
The Sound Engineer is pivotal to the sound of any bands live performance. The Sound Engineer can make or break a great performance, the sound of the band and the balance of each individual voice and instrument literally lies in his or her hands. There’s a song entitled “The Soundman” by a great British Blues… Read More »

Testing, why bother?
I was having a conversation the other day with a developer who came out with the comment that “testers should no longer be required in the modern software development world”. I couldn’t believe I was still hearing such unenlightened views in 2016, so after I had picked my bottom jaw up off the floor, I… Read More »

Eating your own dog food
Everyone is doing more with their technology, so making sure your new website, app or software meets your clients expectations has never been more important. In the lead up to the launch of the new Buitech website, we have been “eating our own dog food”. We have tested our new website across a range of… Read More »

Screens are the new printers!
Back in the day, late 1980s and early 1990s in my case, printers were the bane of every IT department. There was no common printer format, the same document looked different when printed on different printers, and even the advent of postscript printing didn’t solve all of the problems. As a developer of software and… Read More »

Testers are Timelords
I have, for a long time, suggested that Testers are the Time Lords of IT. Stay with it, just for a minute please, no I don’t have a Tardis, a robotic dog or a sonic screwdriver, but I am often asked to travel in time as part of my testing. I know, you are thinking… Read More »